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Lowest Price Guarantee


See a better deal? We’ll refund the difference if you find a lower price within 24 hours of your order.

Is proud of its reputation as the lowest price retailer. Our sales and merchandising teams continually shop the competition to ensure that our customers receive the lowest price possible at all times. We are so sure of our prices that we offer a 30 day price guarantee on most items in our stores. If in the unusual event that you find a lower price, we’ll beat it!

If you find an identical product with a lower advertised price, let us know prior to your purchase or within 10 days after your purchase! We will be happy to consider any price match request.

Here’s How Our Guarantee Works
First, Find Your Item
Visit OUR WEBSHOP to find the in-stock, identical product (brand, size, quantity) you want to price match to a competitor.

Next, Let Us Know
Email us. Be sure to have the following ready:
-Competitor’s website URL or advertisement
-Item number
-Competitor’s lower price clearly indicated
Finally, We’ll Take It From Here

Once we’ve verified the product and found competing prices are in line with our Price Match Guarantee, we will honor the price match at our discretion. If the price match request is brought to our attention after the purchase, we will redund youo the difference between our price and the competitor’s price for identical items and quantities.

Price Match Guarantee:
Guidelines, Limitations, & Exclusions
The price match guarantee is issued at our discretion. WE reserve the right to reject any price match that cannot be verified by proof in line with our guidelines, limitations, and exclusions.

Guidelines & Limitations
The price for a product must be listed and valid at the time of verification. We reserve the right to verify a competitor’s advertised price and availability.
The product must be identical in quality, brand, size, and quantity. It must be in stock at the time of verification.
Please provide the entire advertisement or URL for proof of price. Original receipts or packing slips are required for price adjustments after purchase.
Lower, advertised prices from competitors can come with inflated shipping, handling, and other hidden costs which may raise the final competitor price.
We reserve the right to verify comparable shipping and handling when analyzing the lowest price.

Competitor clearance, closeout, liquidation sales, damaged, used, open package, refurbished, or pre-owned items.
Special member club pricing.
Pricing due to typographical errors, competitor doorbuster/lightening sales, coupon offers, promotional codes, credit card offers, gift card offers, sales tax promotions, free items, rebates, or competitor mail-in offers.

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